Tips, hints and entertainment for the whole family!

The Life of a Nomad

Image courtesy of Beatrice Murtch via Flikr.I recently watched a television show about “Gypsies” and the nomadic life that they have.  Quite frankly, the excitement of going from place to place and seeing so many different things seemed to be a great way to live.  But then I had to wonder how they make a living.  I guess that’s the down-side of that type of life.

Where is the next meal?  What happens when newer clothing is needed?  Where do they bathe and clean their dishes?  For that matter, where do they cook the food that they do get?  There aren’t many people that think about those questions at all.

But let’s put another spin on that nomadic life.  What about the people that need to chase a job just to live?  With the unemployment rate in the U.S. right now, there are a lot of people that are living a nomadic life.  They leave their families behind in some cases, and go out and away to search for work and pay.  Then they send the pay home and keep searching for more.  They are not migrant workers.  They are the Nomads created by the economy today.  They usually don’t choose to live that life, but they have to for their families.  They don’t “migrate.”  They find the work they need to do and they do it, and hope they can bring their families with them.

They can’t go back, and they wonder where forward is.  It is not in a council meeting that they decide where to go next.  They read the classified ads that someone else has thrown away in order to find another place to find work.  They are off the grid as far as the unemployment numbers, since they are not eligible to get any benefits.  So you have to ask yourself if the unemployment numbers reported by the government are really accurate.  By the way, this writer is another one of those people that are off the grid.  But I can still stay put in my home, thanks to my husband’s bit of a pension.  I am luckier that a lot of other people.

If you have an opinion or information on this subject, please share it.  This is one that is foremost in the minds of a lot of people at this time close to election.

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