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Posts tagged ‘travel’

The Life of a Nomad

Image courtesy of Beatrice Murtch via Flikr.I recently watched a television show about “Gypsies” and the nomadic life that they have.  Quite frankly, the excitement of going from place to place and seeing so many different things seemed to be a great way to live.  But then I had to wonder how they make a living.  I guess that’s the down-side of that type of life. (more…)

A Day of Remembrance

Image courtesy of the U.S. Army via Flikr.Memorial Day is not all about the burgers and hotdogs you put on your grill.  It’s not about camping out or taking a vacation.  And it isn’t about canoe trips, mud bogs and parties.  Memorial Day is about the men and women that gave their lives so you could enjoy those things. (more…)